
Photos are an investment for the future. We capture images of today, so we can enjoy them tomorrow. However, without good care of our planet, tomorrow may not bring the kind of world we want to live in.

In fact, we’re already witnessing some of the consequences of unsustainable living: here in the UK, that means much wetter winters and much hotter summers, creating difficult growing conditions for crops as well as property damage caused by flooding.

For countries nearer the equator, the climate changes are more extreme, more unpleasant and more deadly. This is why I’m working towards creating a photography business that’s 100% sustainable.

That means eliminating carbon emissions and avoiding all non-recyclable plastic – no small feat.

Here are some of the ways I’m working towards 100% sustainability now:

  • Using Ecosia as my search engine (instead of Google).
  • Contributing financially every month towards the planting of trees in key areas to help mitigate carbon reductions via Ecologi.
  • Using biodegradable bin liners (available here) in the studio and around my home.
  • Buying biodegradable teabags from PG Tips for client refreshments.
  • Purchasing all toilet roll, tissues and kitchen towel from Who Gives a Crap.
  • Using plastic-free laundry detergent from Smol for washing studio fabrics and client towels.
  • Buying biodegradable nappy sacks (like these) for newborn photography sessions.
  • Using plastic-free, fully recyclable cardboard packaging for client orders of Keepsake Boxes.
  • Conducting pre-shoot consultations via phone, video call or email to avoid unnecessary journeys.
  • Cycling or walking to the Post Office, the supermarket and to clients based in and around Kingsmere, Bicester.

Here are some of the areas I’m still working on:

  • Sourcing a new supplier who ships wall art and albums in plastic-free, fully recyclable packaging.
  • Championing recycling facilities for used nappies, just like this one (currently only available in Wales).
  • Using cleaner transport to client reveals and/or use of online reveals.

Sustainability at home

Of course, sustainability goes beyond the workplace. Here’s are some of the things we do and use in our household to reduce our negative impact on the planet:

  • Walking, cycling and using public transport wherever possible to reduce our carbon emissions.
  • Buying organic fruit and veg from an independent business (Abel & Cole) with sustainable business practices and collection of single-use plastic (for recycling into groundsheets).
  • Using plastic-free products, such as shampoo bars (I love these ones), sustainably-packaged soaps (like this one) and facial cleansers from Gruum.
  • Wrapping gifts in 100% recyclable Kraft paper (like this), sealed with jute twine (get a HUGE reel here) rather than sellotape.
  • Using sustainably manufactured, plastic-free deodorant from Wild (and yes, it really works!).
  • Using reusable sanitary products, like these ones from Amazon.
  • Avoiding single-use plastic wherever there are alternatives available, even if that means paying a little more, waiting a little longer or even going without.

Share your sustainability tips

The above is just a start. I’m always looking for more ways to live more sustainably.

Got a tip or idea that’s made a big difference for you, at home or work? Please get in contact here – I’d love to hear from you!

Learn more

If you’re interested in learning more about small changes that add up to a big difference, I highly recommend The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide (available here).

It’s funny, down-to-earth and full of easy swaps and low-fuss changes that can help you get started without feeling overwhelmed by it all.

Sarah Plater AMPA is a multi-award-winning qualifiedcertified professional portrait photographer based in Bicester, Oxfordshire.

She is the Master Photographers Association Newborn Photographer of the Year and Young Families Photographer of the Year for the Central Region (covering Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire).