July 2022 update: The above image has just won a Highly Commended Award in the June 2022 monthly Indoor Family Portrait competition run by the Master Photographers Association (MPA).
MPA Chairman and Judge Ray Lowe FMPA commented, “As a family portrait it’s fabulous… it’s what grandparents want to see as well. Your lighting and high key effect coming through is good [and it’s] a nice idea with the sibling resting a hand on both cocooned babies. You have the most remarkable patience as a newborn photographer and get great expressions… you just bring something out that just works so well – well done!”
July 2022 update: The below image has just won a Highly Commended Award in the June 2022 monthly Newborn competition run by the Master Photographers Association (MPA).
Judge Sarah Tate FMPA commented, “It’s really hard to get twins together [and] I love what you’ve done with the colour tones: it’s very, very pretty… the basket is nice, you’ve got a beautiful wrap on each baby which is very neat [and] the babies’ faces are beautiful. Well done.”
Once some friends enter your life – they stay with you forever.
I met Matt and Holly when I moved into a flat in Romford, Essex. They were my downstairs neighbours, and soon the regular ‘hellos’ at the front door developed into something more.
We became good friends, meeting up to go on Moo Canoes in London and doing our first escape room together, back when it was a brand new concept.
Matt and I shared a love of photography, and worked together on MasteringPortraitPhotography.com, where we filmed and edited videos for others who want to learn the art of portrait photography.
Then Avery arrived, and I was lucky enough to capture his newborn photos (see the images here) and sitter session (see the images here).
Since then, Matt and Holly have launched a successful Instagram channel together (check it out here).
At the same time, Holly’s career as a hospitality manager has skyrocketed and Matt has launched his very own podcast, focusing on what people have learned through the hard times in their lives (have a listen here).
So when I heard that Matt and Holly were expecting twins, I could see that this would be a very busy household indeed, and I couldn’t wait to capture the love and warmth at the heart of it.
Parents can never be sure how their first child will react to new arrivals in the family, but three-year-old Avery is adapting very well indeed.
In fact, he’ll often ask ‘Where are my babies?!” when the little ones are out of sight, and was keen to visit little Kingsley when he was in the NICU for a week.
Now he likes to spend time with them, giving them hugs and kisses to say goodnight when they are off to sleep.
The absolute best thing in Avery’s world right now, however, are monster trucks. Indeed, it was a sign of the high regard in which Avery holds his dad that he recently told him, “I love you even more than monster trucks!”
He also loves Spiderman, singing (Wind the Bobbin Up and the ABC song are current favourites) and interacting with mum and dad (especially being thrown up in the air!).
I’m sure it won’t be long until Avery is enjoying playing and interacting with his brand new brother and sister and that they will become not only beloved siblings, but lifelong friends – just as his wonderful parents have become for me. 🙂
If you’re interested in newborn portraits or family photography in Bicester, Oxfordshire, please get in contact.
Sarah Plater LMPA is an award-winning qualified, certified professional newborn and family portrait photographer based in Bicester, Oxfordshire. She is the Master Photographers Association Young Families Portrait Photographer of the Year 2022 and Newborn Photographer of the Year 2019 for the Central Region (covering Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire).
I first met Smita and Jyoti at their maternity photoshoot with me (see the images…
It feels like just the other day when Mackenzie and Joel came to the studio…